Nikola Danaylov Media Page

The people I serve: I help event planners deliver eye-opening conferences about the dangers and opportunities of new technology so they can stand out with maximum attendance, engagement, and impact.

The problems I solve: I translate complex technologies and big trends into simple stories anyone can understand. I help audiences deal with too much change in too short a time - aka Future Shock. I help people give birth to their own ideas and prepare for the future.

What I offer:
Straight talk about our future, exponential technology, disruptive change and Artificial Intelligence.

Who I am:
Nikola Danaylov - Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Technology Raconteur, Futurist, Vegan, and Philosopher.

My Creds:
My book “Conversations with the Future” is a #1 International Bestseller. My Singularity.FM is the most popular podcast in the niche and the reason why I have been referred to as the “Larry King of the Singularity.”

My appearances: I have spoken at many public and private events on technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the future of humanity. My Singularity.FM has had over 7+ million views and has been featured on the BBC, Space, MTV, ArteTV, TV Japan, RTL4, WIRED, the Telegraph, io9, the Huffington Post, ZDNet, BoingBoing, and many others.

My message: What if your car doesn’t need a driver anymore? What if we don’t need to age and die? What if machines get smarter than us? What if your toothbrush gets smarter than you? What happens to your business? What happens to you? Because no matter who you are or what you do, the future will always find you. The question is: Will you find the future?!...

Why book me: What if instead of fear of the future – you see opportunity, instead of an end – you see a beginning, instead of loss – you see profit, and instead of death – you see life? What if you and your organization learn to see the opportunities beside the dangers? I have been "interviewing the future" for many years and motivating people all over the world to embrace rather than fear it. What if you start asking “What if?” before it’s too late?

Who will benefit: Those who want to drive change rather than be driven by it. Those who want to surf the tsunami of exponential technology and disruptive change rather than drown.

Hire Nik as your keynote speaker and advisor @


Nikola's topics, subjects, and themes:

Nikola has spoken at public events on topics ranging from technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and the technological singularity to new media, blogging, and podcasting. Some of his most common topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Future Shock - i.e. too much change in too short a time
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
  • Technology, Work, Jobs, and Employment
  • Technology and Ethics
  • Singularity and Transhumanism
  • Technology, Society, Culture, and Politics
  • Technology and Humanity
  • Exponential Technology and Disruptive Change

Hire Nik as your keynote speaker and advisor @


Nikola's Powerwords:

Bestselling Author
Keynote Speaker
Technology Raconteur
Vegan Futurist
Ethical Philosopher
Singularity Expert
Strategic Consultant


Nikola's Social Media Profiles:




YouTube Teaser:


Nikola's Short Bio:

Nikola Danaylov is a Technology Raconteur, Bestselling Author, Futurist, and Keynote Speaker. His Conversations with the Future is an International Bestseller and his popular Singularity.FM podcast is the reason why Danaylov has been called the “Larry King of the Singularity.”


Nikola's Medium Length Bio:

Nikola Danaylov is a Technology Raconteur and Futurist Philosopher who has been referred to as "The Larry King of the Singularity." His book “Conversations with the Future” is a #1 International Bestseller and his pioneering Singularity.FM podcast was the first of its kind. He has done over 300 interviews with over 7 million views and has been featured on international TV networks and other major media outlets.

Nikola has helped people all over the world understand how advanced technologies such as AI impact our lives, our businesses, and our future, and what we can do to embrace change and benefit from it, rather than suffer from and fear it.

Danaylov has spoken around the world on topics ranging from technology, transhumanism, and the technological singularity to new media, futurism, and ethics.


Nikola's Full Biography:

#1 Bestselling Author of Conversations with the Future, Nikola Danaylov is a Keynote Speaker, Technology Raconteur, Vegan Futurist, Strategic Adviser, popular Blogger and Podcast host.

In 1998 Nikola moved to Canada where he completed an HBA in Political Science, Philosophy & Economics at the University of Toronto followed by an MA in Political Science at York University.

It was at YorkU that Nikola became deeply interested in the Technological Singularity and wrote “Hacking Destiny: Critical Security at the Intersection of Human and Machine Intelligence.”

In 2011 Nikola went to NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, and completed the Graduate Studies Program at Singularity University.

Nikola has spoken at public events on topics ranging from technology, transhumanism, and the technological singularity to new media, blogging, and podcasting. He has been ranked within the top 10 people the AI Elite follows on Twitter, profiled in Next Stage Rising Stars Magazine, and has been interviewed for numerous documentary films, blogs, podcasts, magazines, and newspapers.

Nikola’s Singularity.FM interviews have had over 7 million views on iTunes and YouTube and have been featured on international TV networks as well as some of the biggest blogs in the world, such as BBC, MTV, Space, ArteTV, TV Japan, Channel NewsAsia, the Telegraph, io9, the Huffington Post, ZDNet, BoingBoing, and others.

Today Singularity Weblog is the biggest independent blog on related topics. The Singularity.FM podcast is the first, most popular, and widely recognized interview series in the niche, and, according to Prof. Roman Yampolskiy, Nikola has established himself as the “Larry King of the Singularity.” [Check out my Testimonials.]

Nikola is a vegan who lives in Toronto, Canada with his beloved wife Julie.

Nikola's latest bio update is here: Danaylov


Nikola's Brief Story:

In 2009, Nikola Danaylov completed his master's degree and entered the army of unemployed job seekers at the peak of the recession. "I stopped counting after I sent out 300 resumes - I got one interview which apparently didn't go well because they never called me back," Nikola remembers. "One of my applications went out to the first and only blog dedicated to the technological singularity at that time. They were looking to hire a staff writer and, given my education, past research and writing skills, I thought I made the best candidate you could get. I eagerly anticipated an email telling me how totally perfect I was for the job, but the email never came. So, after two weeks of waiting in vain, it slowly started to dawn on me that I wasn't getting that job either. Then, a crazy thought occurred to me: maybe, just maybe, I didn't need them. Perhaps there was some tiny chance I might be able to do it on my own. I could start my own Singularity website. I mean, how hard could it be?"

Fifteen years after its humble beginning, the Singularity.FM podcast has had over 7 million views on iTunes and YouTube and has been featured on international TV networks as well as on some of the biggest blogs in the world, such as BBC, ArteTV, MTV, Space, TV Japan, io9, The Telegraph, The Huffington Post, ZDNet, BoingBoing and others. Today Singularity Weblog and the Singularity.FM podcast are among the original first and most widely recognized independent media in the niche, and, according to Prof. Roman Yampolskiy, Nikola has established himself as the "Larry King of the Singularity."

Nikola Danaylov has become a sought after keynote speaker on topics ranging from technology, transhumanism, the technological singularity and ethics to new media, blogging, and podcasting. Nikola has been interviewed for numerous documentary films, blogs, podcasts, magazines, and newspapers.

Hire Nik as your keynote speaker and advisor @


Nikola Danaylov Media, TV, and Radio appearances:

BBC, MTV, Space, ArteTV, TV Japan, Channel NewsAsia, WIRED, TRT News, the Telegraph, io9, the Huffington Post, ZDNet, BoingBoing, and others.


Nikola's Speaking Clients include: 

Dell, KPMG, Cochlear, Juniper Networks, NetMedia MX, Danish Engineering Society [IDA], Ontario Medical Association [OMA], Singularity University, Digital Business World Congress Madrid [DES], Canadian Institute of Actuaries [CIA], MPI International, Atlantic Circus Network, Community Futures BC, Devolutions Inc, Saskatchewan’s Association of IT Professionals [CIPS SK], Techno Montreal and many others.


Nikola's photos (hi-resolution jpg):


Nikola's Book:

"Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century"

Press Release:

Book Introduction: Why the Future adds 0 and what “Conversations with the Future” is about


Book Cover Images:


Nikola's Video Highlights:

Nikola Danaylov Keynote Speaker Teaser:

Speaking Ad as a 2D Animation:

Nikola Danaylov and John Rennie on TRT World News: Are we nearing the Singularity?

Singularity.FM Podcast Highlights

Singularity.FM Podcast Testimonials

On Socrates and Blogging Philosophy

On Technology as a Magnifying Mirror

On Being Human

On Asking Questions

Video Tour of Alcor Cryonics and Interview with CEO Max More



Singularity.FM Podcast Testimonials
Speaking Testimonials: check out Nikola's LinkedIn profile and read his client testimonials