Nikola Danaylov Speaker Information

Accelerating change has shocked and frightened people and businesses. Too much change in too short a time has overwhelmed our capacity to process, let alone adapt and thrive. We feel lost, powerless, insignificant, unmotivated, and even depressed. This is Future Shock, and we all suffer from it now, be it as businesses or individuals.

My name is Nikola, and I am a Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Technology Raconteur, and Futurist Philosopher. I have spent the last 20 years studying technological change, helping people adapt to Future Shock and major tech trends such as Artificial Intelligence, genetics, robotics, nanotech, synthetic biology, 3D printing, and cryptocurrencies. I translate complex trends into simple stories that help people forge the courage to face change, the wisdom to find patterns in the chaos, and the humility to grow.

My book Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century is an International Bestseller and my pioneering Singularity.FM podcast was the first in the world to discuss topics such as AI and transhumanism. That is why some have called me the “Larry King of the Singularity.”

After experiencing my keynote, you will not just transform how you feel and think about change and technology. You will feel energized, motivated, empowered, and inspired to act. You will find it easier to avoid getting lost and overwhelmed in finding the right direction for yourself and your business. You will gain confidence to confront the chaos caused by Future Shock, embrace change rather than fear it, and engineer your success. You will begin to understand and embrace the future.

Hire Nik as your keynote speaker and advisor!

Skip to Section:

  1. Marketing Video
  2. Testimonials
  3. Photos of Nikola
  4. Sessions Descriptions
  5. Introducing Nikola Danaylov
  6. Audio/Video Requirements
  7. FAQ
  8. Questions or Concerns?

All speaking engagements are 100% customized to your event's agenda and audience. Please email Nikola for availability and specific quote details or call 1 416 879-8429.

Marketing Videos

We want to help you get your event guests excited to see Nikola’s presentation. Feel free to share these videos with your attendees before the event via email or social media!


Nikola's Speaking Clients include Dell, KPMG, Cochlear, Juniper Networks, NetMedia MX, Danish Engineering Society [IDA], Ontario Medical Association [OMA], Singularity University, Digital Business World Congress Madrid [DES], Canadian Institute of Actuaries [CIA], MPI International, Atlantic Circus Network, Community Futures BC, Devolutions Inc, Saskatchewan’s Association of IT Professionals [CIPS SK], Techno Montreal and many others.

Check out the examples below to read what some of Nikola's past clients have said about his keynotes. If you need even more testimonials see his LinkedIn Profile.

Julielynn Wong, MD, MPH

"Recently I had the pleasure of watching Nikola deliver a keynote speech for the Ontario Medical Association where he literally blew the minds of 90 medical professionals, some of whom kept asking him questions so late into the evening that the cleaning crew had to ask us to leave(...). I don't hesitate to recommend him as a speaker to anyone or any organization interested in expanding their world-view as wide as possible to prepare for our world of exponential technology and disruptive change."

David Hervieux (CEO - Devolutions)

"We can’t say enough how pleased we were with Nikola as our keynote speaker(...). Nikola spent a whole day with us at the event prior to his speech and was able to get a real feel of what we needed and who our clients were, delivering a personalized presentation that was energized, articulate and left the audience truly feeling inspired. I strongly recommend Nikola if you need a great AI speaker, you won’t be disappointed!"

Monica Mistretta (CEO - Netmedia)

"Nikola is a powerful storyteller who can transmit his views of the future in a way that touches everybody, and his message resounds in the audience mind. He is also very enthusiastic and gets highly involved much in advance of his participation. A reliable, kind and grateful person, Nikola is one of the smartest persons I have met."

Photos and Bio of Nikola Danaylov

Check out Nikola's Media Page where you can access several versions of his biography or download a variety of his profile images:

Keynote Speaking Options


Opening or Closing Conference Keynote

Tailored to 45, 60, 75 or 90 Minutes

Sample Title 1:
Future Shock: How to see the opportunities beside the dangers


Provides understanding and motivation to deal with Future Shock together with specific advice on exactly how to do it while taking them on a journey of how others have dealt with change and why story is a crucial tool.

Synopsis: This keynote will address the current state of “Future Shock” that we are all experiencing at one level or another: be it individually – as citizens and professionals, or collectively – as organizations, corporations, nations and even as a civilization. It will lay out the full horizon of future possibilities while highlighting both the unique opportunities and the grave dangers we are facing. It will break down exponential technologies such as AI, genetics, robotics, nanotech, synthetic biology, the blockchain, etc. and how those test the very meaning of being human. It will challenge, scare, and inspire you to start your own “Conversation with the Future” and hopefully give birth to your own ideas. It will finish by sharing ancient and modern strategies for building resilience and enhancing adaptation in every facet of your life.

Sample Title 2:
The future will always find us, but will we find the future?

This high energy, [opening, or closing] keynote session, will perfectly set the stage during [your conference event]. Powerfully delivered by Nikola Danaylov, aka the ‘Larry King of the Singularity’, you will learn why technology is not enough and why the world is transformed by asking questions. Then Nikola will help you see what are the main questions we have to contend with that will likely determine our destiny - be it individually - as citizens, or collectively - as businesses, nations and as a species, during this most crucial century of our development.

Synopsis: What happened to horses when we moved from natural to artificial power? What happens to humanity when we move from natural to artificial intelligence? What happens when your toothbrush is smarter than you? Where do you go? What do you do? What will happen to your business, to your country, to our civilization and to yourself? Are we going to become immortal, live in a utopian abundance and spread throughout the cosmos? Or will humanity fight a dystopian AI Giga-war, become enslaved and ultimately go extinct like the dinosaurs?

Sample Title 3:
How to be a futurist?

Synopsis: This keynote explores the intricate dynamics between predicting the future and influencing it. Contrasting Newton's deterministic universe with the principles of quantum mechanics, it highlights how the act of observation itself alters outcomes, thereby dismissing the notion of a fixed future. It posits that while the future and the present are interlinked and mutually influential—refuting simplistic cause-and-effect relationships—they embody a complex, chaotic system responsive to our predictions and actions. It argues that futurism is less about predicting specifics and more about understanding potential scenarios and navigating them proactively. Emphasizing the role of the futurist as a questioner rather than a soothsayer, it encourages and inspires the audience to craft their own personal and professional visions of the future and move beyond passive prediction to the active creation of their best future.

Keynote or Breakout Session + Q&A

Opening or Closing Conference Keynote, Training, Facilitating, Building on Keynote Concepts

Tailored to 45, 60, 90 or 120 Minutes

Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century

For generations, humanity stared at the vastness of the oceans and wondered, “What if?” Today, having explored the curves of the Earth, we now stare at endless stars and wonder, “What if?” Our technology has brought us to the make-or-break moment in human history. We can either grow complacent, and go extinct like the dinosaurs, or spread throughout the cosmos, as Carl Sagan dreamed of.

What if your toothbrush becomes smarter than you? What happens to your business, your country, your planet and yourself? What if your car doesn’t need a driver anymore? What if we don’t need to age and die? What if machines are smarter than us? What if, instead of fear of the future – you see opportunity, instead of an end – you see a beginning, instead of loss – you see profit, and instead of death – you see life? What if you and your organization get future-primed?

For many years Nikola Danaylov has been interviewing the future and motivating people all over the world to embrace rather than fear it. "Conversations with the Future" was born from those interviews and Nik's unceasing need to explore "What If" with some of the most forward-thinking visionaries in the world today.

Introducing Nikola Danaylov

Please Note

For the introduction to the presentation, we request that you use the following format to maximize the impact and excitement for your audience.

IMPORTANT: Please omit using Nikola Danaylov’s name during your intro; instead, we ask that you use the third-person singular pronoun (he/him/his). As a way to build anticipation for Nikola to walk on stage, the video immediately following the introduction will invite the audience to welcome him and announce his name.

Personal Experience As To Why You Hired Nikola (2-3 Sentences)

Why did you hire Nikola (Him)? What value does he offer that you want to give to your attendees? What do you hope your guests take away from his keynote?

NOTE: The purpose of this first part is to help set your audience’s expectations for the value they’re about to receive and why it’s relevant to the event. This will also establish their attention from the very beginning and help Nikola fast-track the process of building rapport with the attendees to amplify the experience for everyone involved.

Brief Intro

"Nikola Danaylov is a Technology Raconteur, Bestselling Author, Futurist Philosopher, and Keynote Speaker. His book “Conversations with the Future” is an International Bestseller and his popular Singularity.FM podcast has had 7+ million views and is the reason why he's been called the “Larry King of the Singularity. Please help me welcome Nikola Danaylov on our stage today!”

Video Setup

“I hope you’re as excited as we are to have this amazing speaker with us! But, before we welcome him to the stage, please watch this video.”

Audio/Video Requirements

Please Note

Nikola does not need or use PowerPoint, photos, sounds, and videos.

Projector / Screen(s)

  • For larger rooms and audiences, consider having two screens instead of one. This is powerful when people can get a clear view of Nikola speaking from any part of the room.
  • Centrally located projectors (unless above Nikola’s head) are not generally recommended. The reason is that it causes Nikola to have to walk through the projection light when moving across the stage or front of the room. If a centrally located screen is the only option please arrange the seating so that the speaker can walk behind the projector and still have room before the seating of the audience starts. We understand that from time to time some venues just can’t accommodate other options.

Audio / Video Sound Connection

  • Wireless Lapel Mic or Wireless Headset Mic is required
  • Wireless Handheld Mic for the audience, if there is a Q&A

Pre-Event AV Call

  • IMPORTANT: Please email the name, email, and contact number of the Venue’s AV Coordinator/Tech
  • A pre-event call will be scheduled with the Coordinator to go over their current setup and avoid any ‘surprises’ on the day of the event.

Final AV Notes

The more professional the AV, the better the presentation. Nikola generally arrives a minimum of an hour before your event to walk the room, meet with the Venue’s AV Coordinator/Tech, and do a few tests with an empty room.

Empty room tests are imperative as numerous challenges can arise before the event and the goal is to solve, test, and execute seamlessly.


Q: There is an official dinner after the keynote, what kind of food preferences does Nikola have?
A: Nikola loves healthy vegan whole-plant-based foods and meals. [Vegan means no meat, fish, dairy, or honey. Whole-plant-based means avoiding bleached white-flower, white rice, white pasta, white potato chips, etc, and, instead, a preference for unprocessed whole grains, plants, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts. Nikola has no known food allergies.]

Q: Will Nikola be around to connect with audience members?
A: One of his favorite things to do is connect with members. If there is a short 15-minute break right after the keynote (for opening and/or midday keynotes) then this allows audience members to connect, say hello, and/or share a short story with him.

Q: What should we consider if Nikola is the closing keynote?
A: When Nikola closes your event, do your very best to have the last person coming up after him (generally the President, CEO, or Event Leader) speak for no more than a couple of minutes to wrap up the event. Because of how powerful the closing Keynote is, it’s imperative that the audience carries that energy right out the doors. Events that have chosen to do a raffle, last-minute awards, or other housekeeping items have found that they lose their audience during the final moments of their conference.

Questions or Concerns?

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