Stem cells – the future: an introduction to iPS cells

Socrates / ,

Posted on: September 8, 2016 / Last Modified: September 8, 2016

IPS_cellsThis 16 minute video, ideal for general audiences and biology students aged 16+, tells the story of one of this century’s most extraordinary scientific discoveries – induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells.

Nobel prize-winning medical doctor and scientist Shinya Yamanaka describes the experiments that arose from his desire to help his spinal cord injury patients. Together with other leading stem cell researchers, Yamanaka talks about the scientific, medical and ethical implications of his discovery that mature cells, such as skin cells, can be ‘reprogrammed’ into a new type of stem cell – iPS cells – that behave like embryonic stem cells.

Cameron Duguid’s distinctive and appealing animations take us inside the reprogrammed cell, and bring the science to life on screen.

You can also read more about iPS cells and embyronic stem cells in our FAQ at, and about ethical issues surrounding iPS cells in our fact sheet at

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