Terry Grossman on TRANSCEND: Live Long Enough To Live Forever

Socrates /

Posted on: October 21, 2010 / Last Modified: December 16, 2021

In today’s edition of singularity podcast, I am very privileged to have Terry Grossman as my guest on the show. (You can listen to or download the audio recording above or scroll down to watch the interview video in full.)

Terry generously agreed to do this interview from his office in Colorado and for about an hour we cover a number of very useful and interesting topics such as the story and motivation behind his work; the most important medical tests that we all need to do in order to find out where we are and thereby figure out what we need to do to improve longevity; Terry’s top tips for a healthy lifestyle and achieving maximum life-span;  his positions on religion, the singularity, and artificial intelligence. I have to admit that I not only enjoyed immensely my interview with Terry, but I also learned a ton of very useful information that will help me personally to live a healthier and longer life. I believe that you too can benefit from listening to Terry’s advice and reading his books.

Who is Terry Grossman?

Terry Grossman is one of America’s leading authorities in anti-aging and longevity medicine. He has co-authored two books with the famed inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, TRANSCEND: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever (2009) and Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (2004). Grossman has written numerous articles for health-related magazines and lectures frequently on topics related to anti-aging medicine nationally and internationally to lay and professional audiences.

A 1968 graduate of Brandeis University, Dr. Grossman received his M.D. from the University of Florida in 1979. Following his postgraduate training at St. Joseph Hospital in Denver, he spent 15 years as a community family doctor in the Colorado mountains before opening Grossman Wellness Center in Denver in 1994. His clinic emphasizes advanced nutritional therapies and preventive, anti-aging medicine. Grossman has developed numerous cutting-edge protocols for measuring and modifying biological age and promoting longevity. To learn more see GrossmanWellness.com

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