What Is Life? Is Death Real?

Socrates / ,

Posted on: December 16, 2014 / Last Modified: December 16, 2014

what is lifeSo what is the difference between you and a rock? This seems like an easy, even stupid question. But even the smartest people on earth have no idea where to draw the line between living and dead things. Which leads to mind-blowing implications. What is life after all? And is death really a thing? Lets watch the video below and think about it together.

Warning: if you hope that I’d be providing the precise answers to the above questions you are reading the wrong blog. Singularity Weblog is not meant to provide definitive answers, but rather, to ask the tough questions in an attempt to generate discussion, provoke thought and stir your imagination…

And so, the answers, my friend, are up to you! 😉

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