Dr. Aubrey de Grey: Better Funding and Advocacy Can Defeat Aging

Socrates /

Posted on: February 18, 2011 / Last Modified: December 9, 2021

Last time I had Dr. Aubrey de Grey on Singularity 1 on 1 the interview turned out to be a hit. In fact, it is still by far the most popular podcast that I have done and the audio file has been listened to or downloaded over 30,000 times.

Given Aubrey’s popular appeal and the importance of his work, it is no surprise that I am very happy to have him back for a second interview. However, please have in mind that this interview is aiming to supplement and not replace the first one. Thus, this time around we cover some topics that we did not have time to go over the previous time, so if you haven’t heard the first podcast you may want to begin here.

During this conversation I ask Dr. de Grey to discuss issues such as the term natural death and its impact; the publicity and importance of two long-awaited documentaries about Ray KurzweilTranscendent Man and The Singularity is Near; traditional metabolic and more recent DNA tests such as the ones done by 23andMe and others; the slow developmental process of new drugs and therapies, and the problems of taking them from testing in lab rats to humans;  the Thomas Malthus argument of overpopulation and Aubrey’s reply to it.

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation, or become a patron on Patreon.

To find out more about Dr. Aubrey de Grey click here.

To see Christopher Syke’s full documentary about the controversial gerontologist watch Do You Want to Live Forever?

To find out more about the SENS foundation click the banner below.

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