Canadian SF Author Karl Schroeder: We’re living in a moment of creative possibility

Socrates /

Posted on: March 25, 2020 / Last Modified: April 23, 2020

People often ask me about my most favorite interview I have ever done. And my usual reply is that interviews are like children, even if we have our favorites it is not wise to express that outwardly because all kinds of problems will follow. And yet, after having published nearly 250 episodes of my podcast, I can hardly remember one that has had a greater impact on me than my 1st interview with science fiction author and futurist Karl Schroeder. So if you haven’t seen it yet please go and watch it because I will try not to repeat any of the questions I asked Karl last time.

During this 2 hour interview with Karl Schroeder, we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: the major shifts or changes since our last conversation 8 years ago; whether it is harder and harder to write near-term science fiction; the collapse of our past grand narratives; alternative facts and natural selection; why we live in a moment of divergence; Lady of Mazes, the culture of technology and technology of culture; why the best way to become more creative is to have constraints; freedom, limits and infinite possibilities; Ross Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety; Stealing Worlds, strange-making, tool consciousness, and identity; why Karl thinks that AI is a bit of a red herring; complex systems and predictability; why Global Warming is not a problem to be solved but a constraint to work within; pre-apocalyptic moments as a possibility to create something new; why code is law and technology is a value; transition design as a way to steer rather than control the future.

My favorite quote that I will take away from this conversation with Karl Schroeder is:

What beautiful thing are we going to be forced to make in the next 100 years?

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation or become a patron on Patreon.

Who is Karl Schroeder?

Karl Schroeder is the author of ten novels that have been translated into a dozen languages. Karl has a design degree in Strategic Foresight and Innovation and divides his time between writing fiction, conducting workshops and speaking on the potential impacts of science and technology on society. He pioneered a new mode of writing that blends fiction and rigorous futures research — with his influential short novels Crisis in Zefra (2005) and Crisis in Urlia (2011), commissioned by the Canadian army as study and research tools. In 2011 Karl Schroeder attained a Masters degree in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD University in Toronto.

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