MIT Media Lab Dialogue on DRM with Richard Stallman, Joi Ito and Danny O’Brien

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Posted on: April 6, 2016 / Last Modified: April 6, 2016

MIT Media Lab DRM 2

“We must destroy DRM. There can be no peace with DRM. A product with DRM has been designed explicitly to stop you from doing things” said Dr. Richard Stallman

Synopsis: Will the future of the Web include Digital Rights Management? The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the MIT-based international standards body in charge of “bringing the Web to its full potential” is in process of deciding if they should continue their work on Encrypted Media Extensions (EME). The recommendation of EME by W3C would standardize the use of Digital Rights Management (DRM) across browsers. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has petitioned W3C to stop all work on EME and DRM-related technologies. The W3C will consider adopting a DRM non-aggression covenant drafted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) at its Advisory Committee meeting at MIT next week.

This is an open invitation for genuine person-to-person dialogue with people from MIT, FSF, EFF, and W3C about DRM on the Web (and any other topics of importance to the Web).

– Joi Ito (Media Lab)
– Richard Stallman (Free Software Foundation)
– Danny O’Brien (EFF)
– W3C Team Member(s)
– Moderator: Harry Halpin (W3C)

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