Nick Gogerty on SolarCoin: Think Networks and Adaptation

Socrates /

Posted on: February 19, 2016 / Last Modified: November 22, 2018

SolarCoinNick Gogerty is one of those people who wants to have his cake and eat it too – i.e. Nick is trying to make money while also doing good for the world. In fact, his latest venture – SolarCoin, may be focusing a lot more on the “making good” rather than the “making money” part. In addition, Gogerty himself is a very interesting and knowledgeable person with unique and very diverse personal interests and experience. So, all in all, a perfect interviewee for my podcast.

During our 73 min discussion with Nick Gogerty we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: his time at Starlab and the lessons he took from there; his early interest in finance, economics and creating value; money, energy and bitcoin; his book The Nature of Value; SolarCoin and ElectricChain; technology and Moore’s Law; DeKo and the theory behind a currency Based on Electricity; proof of work and how you can get SLR; the half-life of facts and the bitcoin experiment; the Financial Singularity and Ethereum; nuclear power and big risk; climate change and meat consumption; true cost economics and the future of capitalism

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation or become a patron on Patreon.

Who is Nick Gogerty?

Nick Gogerty is the founder of Thoughtful Capital Group, a value research and portfolio allocation consultancy firm based in Greenwich, CT USA. His past work and research includes:

  • Work with one of the World’s largest hedge funds
  • Quantitative Forex analyst for >$2 trillion balance sheet bank
  • Founding software start-ups and strategic risk firms
  • Chief Analyst at Starlab a deep future multi-disciplinary science research institute
  • Research & portfolio management for a small value focused hedge fund
  • Building risk models for global banks
  • Running in the T-bond option futures pits on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade.

As a software entrepreneur Nick Gogerty was featured in the documentary Venture Town USA where his firm tied for 2nd place in the Southern California Venture Capital Association competition. He delivered risk research to the US Senate on the World’s largest technology problem. His applied investing research work beat the S&P 500 by over 90% during the global financial crisis 2007-09 outperforming 99% of all hedge and mutual funds. Nick’s lifelong interests have been in studying large interesting problems and sustainable economic development for poverty reduction.

Born and raised in the US, Nick Gogerty has lived and worked in 6 countries, studied cultural and economic anthropology and art history at the University of Iowa and received an MBA from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, France. Nick holds the CAIA Chartered Alternative Investment Association designation. He has held series 3, 7, 63 and UK FSA registrations.

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