The Complete 2011 Singularity Summit Video Collection

Socrates /

Posted on: December 1, 2011 / Last Modified: December 1, 2011

The 2011 Singularity Summit was a blast!

I enjoyed every single second of it.

According to Ray Kurzweil “The Singularity Summit is the premier conference on the Singularity. As we get closer to the Singularity, each year’s conference is better than the last.”

As it is often the case – Ray was right! If you are interested in the technological singularity and the future of humanity, then, the Singularity Summit is a must attend event.

Second best case is what I have done the previous years before 2011 i.e. watch all the summit videos of the amazing presentations that famous guest speakers make at the conference.

So, even though I was fortunate enough to attend the 2011 Singularity Summit in person (can you spot the irregularly shaped bold head in the audience?!), I thought I’d post all the videos for the benefit of my less fortunate or busier friends.


Ray Kurzweil. From Eliza to Watson to passing the Turing Test.


Stephen Badylak. Regenerative medicine: possibilities and potential.


Sonia Arrison. 100 Plus: how the coming age of longevity will change everything, from careers and relationships to family and faith.


Peter Thiel. Back to the future.


James McLurkin. The future of robotics is swarms: why a thousand robots are better than one.


Michael Shermer. Social Singularity: transitioning from civilization 1.0 to 2.0.


Jason Silva. The ‘Undivided Mind’ — science and imagination.


Stephen Wolfram. Computation and the future of mankind.


Dmitry Itskov. Project ‘Immortality 2045′ — Russian experience.


Christof Koch. The neurobiology and mathematics of consciousness.


Eliezer Yudkowsky. Open problems in friendly artificial intelligence.


Max Tegmark. The future of life: a cosmic perspective.


Alexander Wissner-Gross. Planetary-scale intelligence.


Sharon Bertsch McGrayne. A History of Bayes theorem.


David Brin. So you want to make gods. Now why would that bother anybody?


Tyler Cowen. The Great Stagnation.


John Mauldin. The endgame meets The millennium wave — why the economic crisis will be history as we create the future.


Riley Crane. Rethinking communication.


Dileep George and Scott Brown. From planes to brains: building AI the Wright way.


Jaan Tallinn. Balancing the trichotomy: individual vs. society vs. universe.


David Ferrucci. Watson AI perceptions.


David Ferrucci, Dan Cerutti and Ken Jennings on IBM’s Watson at Singularity Summit 2011

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