Unanimous AI CEO Dr. Louis Rosenberg on Human Swarming

Socrates /

Posted on: November 14, 2015 / Last Modified: November 12, 2018

How can humans ever hope to push back and delay the ever-growing power of software-based artificial intelligence? Well, Dr. Louis Rosenberg – founder and CEO of Unanimous AI, believes that human swarming may be able to amplify human intelligence and buy us some time, if not change the outcome entirely.

During our 86 min conversation with Louis Rosenberg we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: how and why he got interested in AI, virtual and augmented reality; his motivation and main goals; why groups are smarter than individuals; his dream of amplifying human intelligence; the dangers of software-based AGI; being a vegan and respecting [i.e. not consuming] other intelligences; his latest company Unanimous AI; the definition of a swarm and its differences from both a herd and a crowd; his platform computer interface for human swarming called UNU; predicting the Oscars with a human swarm; flocks of birds and schools of fish versus swarms of bees; swarms of experts as a super-expert; Miguel Nicolelis‘ brain-to-brain computers; collective intelligence and the Borg…

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation or become a patron on Patreon.

Who is Louis Rosenberg?

Louis RosenbergRosenberg founded Unanimous AI to pursue his interests in collective intelligence and human-computer interaction.  He attended Stanford University where he earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees. His doctoral work focused on robotics, virtual reality, and HCI. While conducting research at the U.S. Air Force’s Armstrong Labs in the early 90’s, Rosenberg created the Virtual Fixtures platform, the first immersive Augmented Reality system ever built. He then founded Immersion Corp to pursue virtual reality technologies.  The company went public in 1999 on NASDAQ. Rosenberg also founded Microscribe, maker of the world’s first desktop 3D digitizer – the Microscribe 3D – which has been used in the production of many feature films, including Shrek and Ice Age. Rosenberg has also worked as a tenured Professor at California State University (Cal Poly), teaching design and entrepreneurship. Rosenberg has been awarded more than 300 patents for his technological efforts. He currently lives in California as a longtime vegan, animal rights supporter, and friend of squirrels.


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