Peter Joseph: We Are All Subjected To The Same Natural Law System

Socrates /

Posted on: July 31, 2013 / Last Modified: June 8, 2024

Peter JosephPeter Joseph is a musician, filmmaker, and social activist best known as the man behind the Zeitgeist film trilogy and the founder of the Zeitgeist movement. Peter’s films have become a counter-culture phenomenon on the internet and have had millions of views.  He has not shied away from controversy and has dared to push a strong vision for the future. Eventually, his audience turned into a global movement aimed at replacing capitalism with a radically new social system based on a Resource-Based Economy (RBE). And so I was very happy to have Peter Joseph on my Singularity 1-on-1 podcast in order to discuss and debate his past work, his vision of our future, and his proposed solutions.

During our 75 minute conversation with Peter we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: why he sees himself as a social critic and an optimist; his goals and motivation; Zeitgeist – the meaning, the movies, and the movement; the major projects Peter is currently working on – e.g. the Global Redesign Institute; the schism between the Zeitgeist movement and the Venus Project; my take on the film trilogy and Peter’s logic for structuring his argument the way he did; the measure and meaning of progress; the natural world and being in sync with it; RBE, Capitalism, sustainability, and central planning; the role of Artificial Intelligence within the Zeitgeist vision of the future; Peter’s take on the technological singularity

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation, or become a patron on Patreon.


Who is Peter Joseph?

Peter Joseph (B. 1979, Winston-Salem, NC, USA) is an American Musician, Filmmaker, Author, and Social Activist; best known worldwide as the creator of the award-winning “Zeitgeist Film Series” and founder of the “The Zeitgeist Movement”, a social sustainability advocacy group which currently operates across the world. He also founded and curates the Annual Zeitgeist Media Festival for the arts and is on the Advisory Board/Steering Committee for “Project-Peace on Earth”.


Apart from ongoing feature film projects, Joseph launched a free, TV-style web series called Culture in Decline in July of 2012, which has been translated into over 25 languages & has received critical acclaim and scored millions of online views. A pioneer in free, open-distribution media, Joseph’s work supports non-profit, unrestricted syndication via free online viewing and free downloads. He conducts such work via his production company: Gentle Machine Productions LLC.

Joseph has lectured around the world, including in the UK, Canada, America, Brazil & Israel, on the subjects of cultural/social sustainability, the importance of critical thought, and the social role of the arts and scientific literacy. He was a featured speaker at the 2011 Leaders Causing Leaders Conference and his work has been profiled in the New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Marker, Free Speech TV, The Young Turks, Hollywood Today, and many other media outlets. He has participated in multiple TEDx Events, has worked with The Global Summit, and is also a frequent social critic on the news network Russia Today.

As far as activism, apart from The Zeitgeist Movement, he identifies, in part, with emerging counter-culture organizations, such as Occupy Wall St., and has spoken at official OWS gathers in Los Angeles and New York City, along with smaller ones as well. His films have been mentioned in conjunction with Occupy in many contexts, including  “Film for Actions” editorial: The Top 10 Films that Explain Why the Occupy Movement Exists, along with “A Movie Guide to Occupy Wall Street” by Laurene Williams.

Joseph is also an active musician and performs around Los Angeles, CA where he currently resides. In short, Joseph’s broad focus is on media-related expressions with the intent of affecting society in a positive way.


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