
Nikola Danaylov @ the Happy Ways Podcast with Jon Nielsen

The Happy Ways Podcast with Jon Nielsen: Nikola Danaylov on COVID-19

Dr. Ann Cavoukian on Privacy preview

Former Commissioner Dr. Ann Cavoukian: Never give up on privacy!

James W. Clement preview

James W. Clement on the Switch: Longevity, Fasting, Protein Cycling and Keto

Nikola Danaylov NeoTechnocracy

Nikola Danaylov at Dark Futures: NeoTechnocracy – The Future is Worse than You Think

David Ferrucci preview

Former IBM Watson Team Leader David Ferrucci on AI and Elemental Cognition

Katy Cook

Katy Cook on the Psychology of Silicon Valley

Cathy O'Neil Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil on Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Threatens Democracy

Technology is a magnifying mirror preview

Technology is a Magnifying Mirror, Not a Crystal Ball

Gary Marcus

Gary Marcus on Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust

Steve Fuller preview

Prof. Steve Fuller on Transhumanism: Ask yourself what is human?

photo by Jonathan Worth

Cory Doctorow on Walkaway: This will all be so great if we don’t screw it up

Tristan Harris preview

Ex-Google Design Ethicist Tristan Harris on Technology and Human Downgrading