
Martin Rees preview

Sir Martin Rees on the Future: Prospects for Humanity

Douglas Rushkoff preview

Media Theorist Douglas Rushkoff on Team Human

Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola on Health and Longevity: Take Health into Your Own Hands

Joscha Bach preview

Joscha Bach: We need to understand the nature of AI to understand who we are


Dr. Michael Greger on How Not to Age

Stuart Russel preview

Stuart Russell on Artificial Intelligence: What if we succeed?

Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Preview

Roman Yampolskiy on Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security


“Oracle of Silicon Valley” Tim O’Reilly on WTF: Do Work That Matters

Max Tegmark

Physicist Max Tegmark on Life 3.0: What We Do Makes a Difference

Nikola-Danaylov-on-the-Transhumanist-Manifesto preview

Transhumanist Manifesto Inspires WIRED Article on Transhumanism

Peter Singer Photo by Alletta Vaandering Preview

Philosopher Peter Singer on AI, Transhumanism and Ethics

Nikola Danaylov Square with Hat

Nikola Danaylov on the Future Grind Podcast