

Dr. Amish Patel: The Universe is a Simulation and I Have the Proof

Marek Rosa preview

GoodAI CEO Marek Rosa on the General AI Challenge


Suzanne Gildert on Kindred AI: Non-Biological Sentiences are on the Horizon

Gerd Leonhard

Gerd Leonhard on Technology vs Humanity: The Future Belongs to Those Who Can Hear It Coming


Technology is NOT Enough!


The Age of Em: Robin Hanson on Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth


On Thanksgiving I’m thankful for you! What are you thankful for?

Nikola Danaylov Square with Hat

Deconstructing Socrates and the Future of Singularity 1on1: Nikola Danaylov Gets Interviewed by Trevor Haldenby


Kevin Kelly on The Inevitable: 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future


Nikola Danaylov and John Rennie on TRT World News: Are we nearing the Singularity?

Marcin Jakubowski YouTube

Marcin Jakubowski on Open Source Ecology: From Mud Hut to Singularity in 1 Day

Albert-Wenger-VC preview

Venture Capitalist Albert Wenger on Basic Income and World After Capital