Marshall Brain: We’re approaching humanity’s make or break period

Socrates /

Posted on: August 14, 2015 / Last Modified: November 1, 2018

Marshall Brain YouTube

Marshal Brain‘s 2003 book Manna was quite ahead of its time in foreseeing that eventually, one way or another, we will have to confront and address the phenomenon of technological unemployment. In addition, Marshall is a passionate brainiac with a jovial personality, impressive background and a unique perspective. And so I was very happy to meet him in person for an exclusive interview. [Special thanks to David Wood without whose introduction this interview may not have happened!]

During our 82 min conversation with Marshall Brain we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: his books The Second Intelligent Species and Manna; AI as the end game for humanity; using cockroaches as a metaphor; logic and ethics; simulating the human brain; the importance of language and visual processing for the creating of AI; marrying off Siri to Watson; technological unemployment, social welfare and perpetual vacation; capitalism, socialism and the need for systemic change

As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full. To show your support you can write a review on iTunesmake a direct donation or become a patron on Patreon.

Who is Marshall Brain?

Marshall Brain profileMarshall Brain is best known as the founder of How Stuff Works which he started as a hobby in 1998. grew to be one of the top Web sites in the country and eventually in 2007 Discovery Communications purchased it for $250 million. Marshall is also well known as the host of the show Factory Floor which appeared on the National Geographic channel.

He is also known for the Robotic Nation essays and the book Manna. Marshall Brain is a member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at North Carolina State University and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, the Dr. Oz show, CNN, MSNBC, Modern Marvels, etc. He has been interviewed for hundreds of different newspaper articles, magazine articles and radio shows.

Today Marshall Brain is a writer, a well-known national speaker and a consultant. He teaches in the Engineering Entrepreneurs Program at NCSU, and is interested in Basic Income and the concentration of wealth. Brain also serves as the CEO of BA3 and is working on EcoPRT (a envisioned automated transportation system for NCSU) together with Dr. Seth Hollar. Marshall Brain lives in Cary, N.C. with his wife Leigh and their four children.

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