Peter Diamandis at OCE Discovery: Technology is a Resource Liberating Force

Socrates / ,

Posted on: June 11, 2013 / Last Modified: June 11, 2013

P1040698This year’s OCE Discovery conference in Toronto was the first of five consequent events that I am attending within the next 3 weeks. The other four are the just finished Subtle Technologies Festival and the upcoming Global Future 2045 Congress in NY City, the ISTAS13 Conference and the Pros and Cons of Drones in Toronto.

Out of the first two events the highlight for me was Peter Diamandis‘ keynote speech at the OCE Discovery conference. It is for this reason that I wanted to share it with those who, unlike me, were not able to see it in person.

During his 1 hour presentation Peter Diamandis talks about exponential technologies (such as AI, robotics, genetics, synthetic biology, computer science, 3D printing); incentivized competitions organized by his X Prize foundation; Abundance and Planetary Resources.

The favorite quote that I will take away from Diamandis’ keynote is: “Technology is a resource liberating force!”


Here are a few images I took at the conference:

The conference was opened by the Honorable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
Then Peter Diamandis showered attendees with his infinite amounts of abundance and personal energy
I have rarely seen a more focused and attentive audience of this size
After his speech Diamandis casually mingled with attendees
…and signed copies of his book Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think
Peter was almost constantly mobbed by crowds of people eager to talk to him
… but still managed to find time and give a few interviews for the media


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