“Dust” Short SciFi: Stunning Cinematography & Worthy Message

Socrates /

Posted on: October 5, 2016 / Last Modified: October 5, 2016

dust-short-sci-fi-posterDust is a short SciFi fantasy film with stunning cinematography and a worthy message, inspired by classic anime and horror. It is set in a harsh and unpredictable natural environment where people have isolated themselves in an ancient city behind a massive wall. A socially marginalized tracker teams up with a black-market merchant to save the society that has rejected his way of life.

Synopsis: A deadly plague linked to a mysterious dust is devastating the countryside around Kabe, the world’s oldest city.

Irezumi, a disgraced Tracker living in the abandoned outskirts of Kabe, is hired to find a cure by a Merchant from the city’s underground medicine trade. Little is known about the dust or the unusual sickness it causes, but as it continues to consume the countryside, Kabe is preparing to shut its gates, denying refuge to anyone outside the walls.

With the city verging on lock-down, Irezumi unwillingly returns to the countryside in search of a solution and perhaps, personal redemption.

Dust Cast:
Irezumi – Mashasi Odate
Medicine Merchant – Michael Evans Lopez

Dust was written by: Jason Gallaty, Josh Grier & Mike Grier
Director of Photography: Michael Nie
Art Director: Eoin Colgan
Music: Theophany (Jason Gallaty)
VFX Supervisors: Philip McGuire, Hunter Schmidt, Andrew Thompson

Dust is Directed by Mike Grier and is an Ember Lab production. To find out more about the Film and Ember Lab visit: emberlab.com/dustpresskit/

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